5th home Guinness Storehouse

Kirsty Whiten and N.I.C.J.O.B.
February 1st - March 16th

Kirsty Whiten creates unnerving psychological portraits of characters through precise rendering with meticulous detail, not unlike the shading executed on the schoolbooks of bored teenagers. Whiten does not caricature the individuals, more something unspoken that goes on between them which imbues these drawings with a unique, warped, perception. Her skill allows her to envisage subtle relations between made-up characters and the detail within these works allows us to look for as long as we want, at something that may usually induce a polite averting of the eyes.
"I really try to put a sense of horror into the texture of a cardigan, or helplessness in the gradient of someone's shoulder"

At the centre of the French artist Nicolas Jasmin's (AKA N.I.C.J.O.B.) artistic work is the practice of sampling, his scratch videos are cut from diverse film sources. Through editing and looping short sequences and adding incisive new layers of sound he creates disruptive, memorable, lazarusised new works. By choosing this process, the sequences are liberated from their former narrative, and initial historical contexts. In selecting, isolating and re-composing found footage, Jasmin has literally 'lost the plot' and replaced it with a focused, psychological and emotive remix. His irreverently absorbent bootlegs use the audio / visual sampler as their main tool and in works like 'Breaker' their use creates a meditative repetition, cut with a almost spiritual sense of technology.

The mixture of these two artists, one working in a classical, more familiar form, the other with modern technology, creates a dialogue between past and current methods of expression and how we perceive each other. All of the works depict individuals affected by and reacting to people and circumstance, ranging from the extreme to the ultra-nonchalant.